“Public Transport gives you more”

Public transport, walking and cycling, and a more rational use of the private vehicle are the keys to achieve a more sustainable, healthy, safe and equitable mobility, that reduces the negative impacts of a model based on providing one car to every driver. Public transportation is one of the most effective urban and national strategies to organize mobility in such a way that is economically more efficient and more friendly with the environment and the people.

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1. More mobility with less traffic

Més mobilitat amb menys trànsit

Public transport can generate more mobility and better traffic fluidity than the private vehicle, using much less space and generating less impacts over the cities and their environment. A tramway line equals to a twelve-lane avenue, while a suburban railway is equivalent to a whole motorway.

2. Higher energy savings

Més estalvi energètic

As a consequence of its capacity and scale economies, public transport is more electrified than private transport and consumes less energy for each traveller.

3. Better health

Més salut

Public transport emits less pollution per person, helping to reduce air pollution victims. In 2007, 3.500 premature deaths were caused by poor air quality in the metropolitan area of Barcelona.

4. Greater road safety

Més seguretat viària

Public transport has the best ratios of safety against accidents in land transport.

5. Stronger battle against climate change

Més seguretat viària

Transport is the second cause of climate change in areas such as Catalonia after industries. Public transportation system emits less greenhouse gases.

6. Greater autonomy and social equity

Més autonomia i equitat social

54% of women in Catalonia do not have driving permit, neither do a 42% of men. In addition to gender, level of income or place of residence are factors of social and work-related exclusion when relying only on a private vehicle

7. More jobs

Més llocs de treball

Public transport and shared fleets generate much more jobs for traveller-km, and less likely to be relocated.

8. Higher savings for the public community

Més estalvi al país

Public transport helps reducing costs related to social and environmental impacts related to transport (externalities due to congestion, pollution, casualties, climate change…).

9. Higher purchasing power

Més poder adquisitiu

Annual spending per person is much lower in public transport than using individually a car. When travelling 30km each day, using a car is four times more expensive.

10. Better comfort

Més benestar

Driving a private vehicle requires paying attention permanently to the road, while public transport travelling can be done while reading or other activities.