PTP Achievements

We have promoted legislation in favour of public transportation The work done by PTP has been key for the adoption of two laws by the Parliament of Catalonia: “Llei 9/2003 de la mobilitat” (Mobility Act), pioneer in Europe and “Llei 21/2015 de finançament del sistema de transport public” (Public Transport System Funding Act), adopted unanimously.…

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Projects advocacy

In addition to the promotion of public transport, PTP is known by its exhaustive studies and proposals. To reach public transport improvements, strong technical reasons and perseverance is needed. Since 1993 PTP is commited to lots of sustainable mobility projects. We promote express buses We promete express buses in order to make the public transport more…

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Defensa de projectes

“We study and defend public transportation” In addition to the promotion of public transport, PTP is known by its exhaustive studies and proposals. To reach public transport improvements, strong technical reasons and perseverance is needed. Since 1993 PTP is commited to lots of sustainable mobility projects. We promote express buses We promete express buses in order…

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22 de setembre: diada amb cotxes

Avui, 22 de setembre, es celebra el dia mundial sense cotxes. Catalunya ha ajornat aquesta diada i la Setmana de la Mobilitat Sostenible i Segura a la setmana de l’11al 18 d’octubre de 2015, amb motiu de les eleccions al Parlament del 27S. Per tant avui serà un dia “normal” amb cotxes. Un 22 de…

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L’ampliació de la C-58, més lògica de VAO que d’autobús. Proposem un ús bidireccional per fer més rendible l’autobús.

■ Infraestructuralment el carril bus-VAO no està ni pensat ni optimitzat per a l’autobús, encara que el beneficia puntualment. El carril VAO de la C-58 és, sobretot, un increment viari de 3 a 5 els carrils a la C-58 restringit a vehicles eficients (VAO +3, ecològic, moto i transport públic bus – taxi). ■ L’oferta…

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