El premi “European Talent in Mobility” premia cinc homes i dones que han afavorit el transport públic i la mobilitat sostenible a Europa en les següents categories: millor talent jove, millor director de projectes, millor director (gestió), millor carrera professional i millor talent popular (jurat on-line). Aquest premi s’emmarca en el Saló dels Transports Públics 2016, celebrat els passats 14-16 de juny a París i organitzat pel GART (Groupement des Autorités Responsables de Transport), la UITP (Unió Internacional dels Trasnports Públics) i la UTP (Union des Transports Publics et Ferroviaires), i considerat el principal esdeveniment i punt de trobada del transport públic europeu. El català Manel Ferri va obtenir el premi atorgat pel jurat on-line entre 70 aspirants, essent la candidatura més votada, i el malagueny Miguel Ruiz, gerent de l’EMT de Màlaga, va obtenir el premi a millor director.
La PTP vol fer públic aquest premi com a reconeixement a Manel Ferri, cofundador de la PTP, per la llarga trajectòria en suport del transport públic i la mobilitat sostenible. Manel Ferri és una persona lluitadora, constant, respectuosa i incisiva, que des del moviment sindical i associatiu s’ha implicat en la mobilitat des de l’òptica dels treballadors i treballadores, que han vist com un model de mobilitat massa depenent de l’automòbil particular es convertia en sinònim d’increment de costos, de perjudici del medi ambient i de temps perdut en l’accés a la feina (per congestió o per deslocalització i allunyament dels llocs de treball respecte les residències).

Pel que fa a la PTP, el Manel ha estat una gran baula de l’entitat des de la seva fundació, l’any 1993. Recentment va aconseguir que s’elaborés un pla ferroviari alternatiu als plans d’infraestructures del Ministeri de Fomento, anomenat Pla Tren 2020, elaborat amb aportacions de la PTP, del món sindical i del món ecologista. El Manel Ferri està darrera de moltes propostes i els èxits aconseguits per la nostra entitat. Comproveu-los a la web www.transportpublic.org i a les xarxes socials Facebook i twitter cercant el hashtag #exitsPTP.
Així mateix la PTP amplia les seves felicitacions a la resta d’aspirants catalans al premi, Sergi Martínez-Abarca Espelt, per part de l’AMTU, Susi López, per part de l’Ajuntament de Terrassa i Israel Vallejo, per part de TMB.
Barcelona, 21 de juny de 2016
Transport publics 2016 Proposal
Manel Ferri has shown an undeniable commitment to promoting sustainable and safe mobility in the centre of the social and political life in Catalonia first and in across Spain later on. During the last 16 years he has been fostering company mobility plans in union organizations, legislation, in urban mobility plans and in companies and he is a referent in mobility of social organizations.
He has always fostered company mobility plans in a balanced way, encouraging employees to adopt the same commitment, trying to convince employers and seeking the best allies in public administrations and sewing complicities among all of them.
During the 90s in Catalonia and the rest of Spain there was little or no sensitivity towards sustainable mobility; the car was the centre of transport and mobility policies and cities were designed for cars and not for people.
The 1992 Olympic Games in Barcelona were the most striking example of this when road infrastructures were resolved yet there was virtually no substantial improvement in rail infrastructure. Manel Ferri’s idea was that sustainable mobility is a citizen’s right, and for people to enjoy it, an inclusive public transport system must be fostered instead of the use of cars and motorcycles that also have a great social, economic, environmental and energy impacts.
Manel Ferri has Strongly believed That changes in mobility Behaviours is a bottom-up matter for this reason, in 1993 he cofounded of the PTP association organization specializing in safe and sustainable mobility, which since its inception became the benchmark for people who believed that there was a better world where mobility might incorporate environmental improvement and people at the centre of its objectives. Manel Ferri has devoted the last decade to helping PTP grow and mature.
From 2001 to 2008 as mobility coordinator and mobility manager of the Comisiones Obreras trade union in Catalonia, he introduced mobility management strategies in the union and promoted the union’s participation in the 9/2003 mobility law in Catalonia, the first in Spain. Thanks to the unions, the law contains a disposition that establishes that local and regional government must draw up mobility plans for the industrial and economic zones, introducing the figure of the mobility manager in all of them.
In 2001 he promoted the first union mobility movement in Comisiones Obreras, the first of this kind in Spain and I think in Europe. The movement turned into a department and he worked to get the commitment of all the other Unions to sustainable mobility. He has always thought that safety and mobility are issues that should be integrated into all the European union activity.
In 2003, the city of Barcelona awarded Manel Ferri the Agenda 21 award for his sustainable accessibility to the union’s guide to sustainable mobility in which he introduced new patterns of mobility regarding the way employees should travel to work and employers should manage this issue. The mobility agreement between Barcelona with more than 50 private and public associations was awarded.
Between 2004 and 2005 he participated actively in the work of drafting the first strategic agreement for the competitiveness of the Catalan economy which, in measure 31, included action on a set of 22 industrial estates in Catalonia, making mobility plans sustainable and applying measures to reduce the use of private cars to reach these industrial estates. http://www.istas.net/web/abreenlace.asp?idenlace=8790
Since 2006 to 2010 he actively participated in the mobility plans of industrial areas of the Llobregat Delta * (20,000 employees *) * Barcelona El Prat Airport (14,000 employees *35 million visitors) *San Juan industrial area (*xxx surface area, 14,000 employees), http://xarxamobal.diba.cat/mobal/cat/actualitat/actualitat_noticia.asp?codi=120http://xarxamobal.diba.cat/mobal/cat/actualitat/actualitat_noticia.asp?codi=120
Since 2006 to 2010 he actively participated in the mobility plans for over 20 industrial areas; these include: the Llobregat Delta mobility Plan (20.000 workers), Barcelona-el Prat airport mobility Plan (14.000 workers 35.000 visitors) and Sant Joan industrial zone mobility plan (14.000 workers),
In this plan he took part not only as member of the process but also with the goal of fostering change in the mobility Behaviour of the Employees of the industrial areas who would drive to work alone by car, despite there being alternative modes of transport available in many cases.
Between 2006 and 2008 he participated in the master mobility plan of the Barcelona region, with the aim of achieving recognition of the company transportation plans as one of the main strategies to be included while acting as intermediary between planners and unions.
Aware of the difficulty of introducing some of the new proposals, he worked harder to create an institutional commission where unions, employers and administrations share their points of view regarding company mobility plans. This commission fostered the execution of most of the public company transportation plans in the metropolitan region of Barcelona.
Manel Ferri worked hard to push sustainable and safety mobility to the front of the political agenda, and in 2005 he was awarded by the environmental department of the Catalan government for his work in the field of mobility in the union sector.
Since 2009 to 2014, as manager of the mobility Trade Union Institute for Work, Environment and Health (ISTAS) he extended his ideas to the rest of Spain.
Since 2015 Manel Ferri has been mobility technician in Barcelona Diputació (Local administration) from where he is promoting the road safety observatory with the Catalan Traffic Department and fostering the institution’s company mobility plan.
During 2015, he worked actively on the new transport financing law of Catalonia, unanimously approved by the Catalan Parliament in October 2015. In this law he strove to introduce specific mentions of company public transportation plans.
Since the beginning Manel Ferri knew that training and benchmarking was a key tool for fostering safe and sustainable mobility and for bringing about a shift towards the use of sustainable means of transport on employees. From to 2001 he gave mobility courses and conferences in many companies and unions and public entities. For this reason, between 2009 and 2014 he organized and managed more than 50 training courses in sustainable mobility at work in the unions and ISTAS in which more than 700 employees were trained to be industrial area mobility managers with the aim of introducing the idea of sustainable and safe mobility in their companies and in their working areas.
He also promoted fare studies in Europe with the aim of obtaining better social fares for workers and people with economic problems. http://www.istas.ccoo.es/descargas/Estudio de sobre políticas tarifarias para usuarios habituales del transporte público.pdf
He also introduced benchmarking as a way to convince union organisations and public entities that they might foster industrial area and company transportation plans to achieve a real modal shift towards public transportation and active modes. For this reason, from 2005 to 2008, he actively participated in Gesmopolis, the European project dedicated to introducing sustainable mobility in industrial areas and mobility plans and, in 2011, he participated in the European E-COSMOS project and conducted the Commuters for sustainable mobility strategies study. http://ec.europa.eu/environment/life/project/Projects/index.cfm?fuseaction=home.showFile&rep=file&fil=Gesmapoli_MobilityPactstechnicalguide.pdf
Since 2003, Manel has published good practices in mobility guides introducing new ideas such as shared mobility, reducing the casualties and improving health among employees that have been distributed among thousands of workers. http://www.istas.ccoo.es/descargas/mobilitat_trambaix.pdf
In 2006 he wrote a methodology guide on mobility plans and in 2008 a guide regarding mobility and air quality. http://www.istas.net/web/abreenlace.asp?idenlace=7614
In the PTP Manel Ferri took part in developing the Railway Plan 2020 in *Spain, a railway plan focused on conventional trains and not on more high-speed trains. https://transportpublic.org/images/pdf/20130500-tren2020-completo.pdf
From 2003 to the present he has been a member of the foundation for safe and sustainable mobility. In this organization he has promoted a project to create a carsharing company. Finally he created AVANCAR, first car-sharing company in Catalonia and Spain, a company in which he was also a member of the Board of Directors.
Manel Ferri is a member of Asimus, the Latin American Association for Sustainable Urban Mobility; he also participates in the mobility and transport planners group of the International Federation (FIU) in the Habitat III axis of mobility and transport.
Manel Ferri has always believed that sustainable transport is a generator of jobs. In 2010 he conducted the study “Creating jobs in sustainable public transport” http://istas.net/web/abreenlace.asp?idenlace=8983 and in 2012 the study “Creating jobs in sustainable inland goods transport” both for the Biodiversidad Fundation. http://istas.net/web/abreenlace.asp?idenlace=9793
He has fought for the equality between women and men at work and of course in all mobility issues.
Manel Ferri has published many articles on mobility at work, as listed in the CV.